When anchoring, let's protect the sea grass - one of the oldest ecosystems!

When anchoring, let's protect the sea grass - one of the oldest ecosystems!

It is important to preserve older ecosystems, as they have great significance for nature. Did you know that?

By following the anchoring rules and protecting seagrass meadows, we contribute to the conservation of one of the oldest ecosystems in the world. These meadows are an important component of marine biodiversity and are an important resource for coastal protection. It is an obligation for all of us to do everything we can to ensure that these valuable ecosystems are protected.

Neptune grass, also known as Posidonia oceanica, is an ancient plant that is ecologically important. It is native to the Mediterranean Sea and is found along the coasts of Croatia, France, Italy, Spain, Greece and Turkey. These seagrass meadows can be damaged by anchors, which tear out the seagrass on the seabed and leave furrows. As these grasses grow very slowly, the damage can only be repaired very slowly. Some of these systems are said to be tens of thousands of years old.

YACHTING.COM TIP: We advise you on how to anchor easily and safely in the sea . For more information, see our article How to easily and safely anchor at sea.

Seagrass beds are of enormous importance for the Mediterranean Sea as they harbour a quarter of marine biodiversity and serve as habitats and breeding grounds for fish and microorganisms. They also convert a lot of CO₂ into oxygen and protect the seabed and beaches from erosion by dampening currents and waves.

Seaweed Posidonia oceanica

Seagrass plays an important role in coastal protection and is an indicator of good water quality. However, it is threatened by rising water temperatures and human activities. In some places, it has already led to major losses, such as in Pollara Bay on the island of Salina off Sicily. The sandy beaches there have been completely eroded, while parts of the cliffs are in danger of collapsing.

Buoy fields and anchoring zones for sailors

To preserve the seagrass and its inhabitants, marine protected areas have been established where certain rules and anchoring bans for sailors apply. These measures have helped endangered species to recover. In addition, buoy fields have been set up in some areas, such as the Balearic Islands or the Lavezzi Archipelago. There, the authorities monitor compliance with the regulations.

You can either reserve buoys in advance or approach them spontaneously when heading for a bay or a spot. Anchorages should only be chosen on sandy ground. If there are no buoy fields, you should stick to this rule. It is important to find out the location of the seagrass fields beforehand so that you know in which zones you may anchor. This helps to protect the fields and allows you to experience the inhabitants of these special plants while snorkelling.

A vessel moored to the buoy

YACHTING.COM TIP:  Do you know the Navily app? This app offers you more than 14,000 anchorages. Read more in our article The 10 best smartphone apps for sailors: proven through experience.

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