Are you a sailing enthusiast who also loves yoga? It might not seem like it, but both can be easily combined. Plus, it’s important that you enjoy every moment at sea and yoga really helps with calming your body and mind.
If you only associate yoga with a slim woman tangling her legs up like a pretzel, don't worry. We’re going to show you exercises that absolutely anyone can do. Okay, you won’t manage them heeling steeply in a 25-knot wind, but they’re perfectly achievable under calmer conditions.
Boat Pose
Objective: No comment needed really. When doing yoga on a boat, this pose is a must!
Execution: The body should resemble a boat, completely balanced on the buttocks. Keep your legs as extended as possible but without hunching over.
Best place: Anywhere on board
Cobra Pose
Objective: To stretch out your back
Execution: Inhale on the lift, exhale on the release. The head should be extended or tilted slightly back. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, breathing freely. Exhaling, return to lying position on your stomach.
Best place: On the swim platform
Tree Pose
Objective: To improve balance
Execution: Start in an upright position, then lift and bend one leg. Place your foot on the inner thigh of the opposite leg. Don't rest it on the inside of the knee. If you’re having trouble balancing, try looking at a fixed point in front of you. For the more advanced, this position can also be attempted whilst under sail.
Best place: At the bow
Corpse Pose
Aim: To relax
Execution: Are you the captain and the crew is really getting on your nerves? Take a break in this supremely relaxing and unwinding pose. Keep your palms facing upwards. The benefit of this pose is that you can stay in it as long as you want.
Best place: In the cabin
Cat Pose
Objective: To stretch your back and improve the flexibility of the spine.
Execution: Slouch as much as you can. Then bend like a bow.
Best place: In the cockpit
Butterfly Pose
Objective: To improve hip flexibility. To stretch the thighs and pelvic muscles.
Execution: Start in the seated position as shown in the picture, try to push your knees to the ground. Keep your back straight.
Best place: On the bow or hill of an island you sail to. Just wherever you have a view.
Pigeon Pose
Aim: To stretch the legs and the pelvic floor muscles. Recommended for all women.
Execution: Make sure your back is straight.
Best place: Along the hull
Child’s Pose
Aim: To relax
Execution: Relax the back muscles, leave your arms loose without tension.
Best place: In the cockpit or at the bow
For the advanced
Rent a paddleboard from us and try practicing yoga on it. This trains balance and is guaranteed to strengthen the inner core muscles.
For all exercises, however, you’ll need a boat with enough room at the bow or elsewhere.